Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hair and makeup and earrings! Oh my!

There is something to be said for getting up early, getting dressed, putting on makeup and doing your hair.  I always dress first thing having never been one to lounge around in my gown all day, but doing hair and makeup is something else altogether.  I figure I'm not going out anyway so what difference does it make?  And, makeup is expensive.  Do I want to wear it while sitting around the house all day?  So recently I've decided the answer to that question is YES!  Why not fix up to be home all day?  Wouldn't my husband appreciate not looking at someone who is unkempt?  Why is it that we ladies tend to pull out all the stops to get ready for church or a dinner engagement with friends but we slob around the house all day giving our poor families our very worst?

So this morning first thing I went straight into the bathroom and got dressed and put on makeup.  Unfortunately, I don't have the kind of hair that can be easily managed straight out of bed so I wet my hair, brushed it out and continued on with my morning while it dried.  Later I went back and ran the curling iron over it a little and I was ready for the day!  I'm even wearing the Sabika earrings my daughter gave me! 

I also started this morning off with Devotions which I've been neglecting lately.  Laine over at Laine's Letters teaches a lot about getting up early and starting the day off with the Lord.  I couldn't agree more.  It just sets the tone for the day and usually He shows me something in His Word that speaks to my heart.  I've been terribly slack concerning this area lately.

I am usually an early riser since I keep my grandchildren a few days a week, but I can while away time in the morning like nobodies business!  Fox News, feeding the dogs and cat, getting coffee, The Weather Channel, maybe catch an episode of I Love Lucy while I sip coffee and before you know it it's 10:00 am!  I've been pondering lately about the time wasters in my life.  Oh, I can't possibly get all of those things finished in a day!  In recent years I've found myself lacking in the areas I used to excel in.  Technology has brought along way too many time wasters. 

When I was raising my children I didn't have a cell phone or a computer.  Oh computers were around but one only had them if they were rich and they were just becoming popular in the business world.  And, cell phones?  Forget about it!  Only rich people had cell phones!  We didn't even have cable for many years!  Not because we couldn't afford it but because it wasn't even available in our rural area.  So, while my children were young I did the things most housewives did.  I washed laundry, dishes (yep no dishwasher), and dirty faces.  My children played with play dough and crayons and built dirt roads under the pine trees in the backyard.  Those were the days!  The days I'm hoping to recapture.  Not because cell phones and computers are bad but because cell phones, computers and cable TV can suck hours and hours out of my day.  Hours that we never get back.  Think about that.  The hours spent on a computer, texting on a cell phone, or watching TV are spiraling out into the vortex that claims our time and we will never get that time back.  It really puts all those hours spent on Pinterest into perspective.

Don't get me wrong.  Computers certainly have a place in a homemakers life.  I have found some of my family's favorite recipes on the Internet.  I've come up with inspiration for decorating our home.  And as far as cable goes, my family has never been happier since I discovered, and fell in love with, Paula Deen!  I just need to get these things in their proper place.  A tool to be brought out and used occasionally.  Not a monster looming in the corner.  Bulging it's eyes out at me calling me over.  Just one minute.  It'll be OK.  Really.  Just pick me up for one little minute.  You can put me right back.  And, so, I get sucked into the vortex and emerge hours later and worse for the wear, too!  Guilt ensues causing me all manner of distress.  Why???  Why did I fall for it again?  I was only going to do it for a minute and now it's 2:00 pm and I'll have to really pick up the pace if I want D to see that I've accomplished anything today! 

That's where this blog comes in.  I hope to write about my daily adventures in homemaking instead of my daily adventures of sitting on the computer reading about someone elses homemaking day.  As a matter of fact, yesterday I tried my hand at homemade cheese crackers!  They were a success as D took a big baggie full in his lunch today. :)

Tomorrow more "meat" of my days!  I hope you'll join me in adding more meat to your day and then maybe starting a blog of your own, or commenting here, and sharing what you've accomplished throughout the day.  How was that new recipe?  Did that cleaning product work as well as you'd hoped?  Was your family surprised when you put on makeup and earrings this morning?  Do tell!

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